Jan/24 Roundtable Update

January 25, 2024 - By Liang
2024年1月25日,我们成功举办了本月的圆桌会议。本次会议聚焦于企业家和初创企业的实际问题,并提供了现实解决方案。特别感谢我们的专家团队,包括高净值家庭企业财富管理专家李昕(Anne Li),活动策划专家Leslie Wong,蛋糕制作专家Lena Kiss,职业主持人兼自媒体人杨小岛Mia,以及保险及税务法律专家Cherry。





Dear Members of The O Six Foundation,  On January 25, 2024, we successfully held this month’s Roundtable Meeting. 
The focus was on addressing practical issues faced by entrepreneurs and startups, offering realistic solutions. Special thanks to our panel of experts, including wealth management specialist for high-net-worth families Anne Li, event planner Leslie Wong, cake artist Lena Kiss, professional host and media personality Mia Yang, and insurance, tax, and legal expert Cherry.  
The spotlight of the meeting was on Tom’s case presentation, focusing on his company’s endeavors in retail (3 locations), e-commerce, wholesale (partnership with 8 brands), and upcoming focus on events. Tom presented the challenges and opportunities of entering the event business through a SWOT analysis.  Highlights of the meeting included three rounds of in-depth discussions on how to better market oneself, increase sales, and effectively enter the event industry. 
Experts provided various suggestions including product diversification, packaging improvements, enhancing efficiency and service quality, and leveraging social media and e-commerce platforms for greater reach.  
Tom concluded the discussion, indicating a focus on e-commerce and wholesale, and utilizing social media accounts and existing customer emails to boost sales.  
We thank all participants for their enthusiastic involvement and valuable insights and look forward to the next Roundtable Meeting.

Jan/24 Roundtable Insight