Jan/24 Roundtable Insight

January 25, 2024
1/25 圆桌会 回声板

我们最近的圆桌会议,创业者们收获众多宝贵的“金点子”TheOSix 也收获了帮助我们继续成长的“金玉良言“。现在,就让我们一起来看看Anne Li (Advisor, Scotia Wealth Management) 在一月份圆桌会之后特地筹谋的建言:

        1.      “知己知彼”会前介绍: 提议会议前两周通过群组介绍所有参与的提案人和议案人。这样一来,不仅能让大家会前准备会中游刃有余,还能提早建立联络,也有机会发现并邀请更合适的Think Tank,提升会议的含金量。
        2.      会议小笔记: 建议为每次会议配备秘书角色,负责记录精彩瞬间。会后,在群里传花接力,分享这些精华要点。
        3.      后续环节:强烈建议增加“江湖重见”的后续环节。可以邀请提案人在六个月或一年后重现江湖,分享实施建议的最新状况和面临的新挑战。如果议案人的业务因圆桌会议“凤凰涅槃”,显著受益,那就是最好的动力为The O Six Foundation捐赠筹款,用以助力更多小企业走过挑战,进入更大的市场。那些曾经出谋划策的议案人,是慧眼的伯乐,也是照亮前路的前辈,成为未来圆桌会的首选脑库。
        4.      商业资源连接: 建议任何通过The O Six Round Table促成的成功合作,请一定告知Lin, Annie和Cathy。有时候,最“不经意”的连接也可能开出“意想不到”的花。
        5.      商业案例的纪录: 如果可行,是否考虑定期整理这些披荆斩棘的商业故事,将其化为商业案例、书籍或其他媒体内容,“传道授业”给更多同路的创业者。


The O Six Foundation’s recent Roundtable Meeting was a resounding success, and we’ve received valuable feedback and suggestions to make future meetings even more impactful. Here are some key recommendations and endorsements from our community:   
  1. Pre-Meeting Introductions: It’s suggested that two weeks before the meeting, we introduce all participants, especially the presenters and panelists, in our group. This approach will not only facilitate better preparation and networking but also enable us to identify and invite potentially more suitable contributors, enhancing the overall quality of the meeting.         
  2. Meeting Secretary Role: We should assign a secretary for each meeting to take notes. The key points from these notes will be shared in our group post-event, ensuring everyone has access to the valuable insights and discussions.         
  3. Follow-Up Segment: Adding a follow-up segment is highly recommended. We invite presenters to return after six months or a year to discuss the implementation of the suggestions and address any new challenges. If a presenter’s business significantly benefits from the Roundtable, a donation to the O Six Round Table Foundation is suggested to help more small businesses. These contributors will have priority in participating in future meetings as presenters or observers.         
  4. Success Stories: Any successful collaborations facilitated through the O Six Round Table should be communicated to Lin, Annie, and Cathy. Sometimes, the most casual connections can lead to fruitful outcomes.         
  5. Publication of Success Stories: If feasible, regularly compiling these successful business stories for publication as business cases, books, or other media formats would be invaluable. 
This initiative can provide learning and inspiration for a broader range of entrepreneurs. We’re thrilled to see the positive impact of our Roundtable Meetings and are committed to incorporating these suggestions to foster a more collaborative and effective environment for all our members.  
This post will highlight the community’s engagement and the Foundation’s dedication to continuous improvement, fostering a sense of pride and participation among the members.
Mike Raines
Michael Raines is 36 years old and a visual designer based in Toronto with over 15 years of corporate and freelance design experience. He has a passion for designing detailed, creative and modern web & print graphics. Although his skill set is vast, his greatest expertise revolves in the world of web design, UI/UX, social media, brand identity design and print collateral. It is his wish is to combine his knowledge and experience in these areas and deliver the best creative to his clients and their audiences.

Feb/24 Roundtable Update


Jan/24 Roundtable Update