Feb/24 Roundtable Update

February 22, 2024

The O Six 圆桌会总结

2024年2月22日,The O Six举办了一场关于中式国风馆未来发展的圆桌讨论。这次讨论聚集了来自各行各业的专家和创业者,共同探讨如何更好地推广中华文化。

提案人张赢心和一群热心帮助创业人的议案人,包括品牌营销创业者韩笑Vera、Blur, Zoey还有Shan 深入探讨了国风馆在推广中国文化方面的策略和挑战。国风馆作为一个定位于艺术会所的机构,致力于向西方人群讲解中国文化,并通过各类活动如知识分享和艺术大咖的参与,增强体验的丰富度和吸引力。




Exploring the Path of Development for Guofeng Pavilio

Summary of The O Six Roundtable Meeting

On February 22, 2024, The O Six hosted a roundtable discussion on the future development of the Chinese-style Guofeng Pavilion. The discussion brought together experts and entrepreneurs from various industries to explore how to better promote Chinese culture.

Presenter Zhang Yingxin and a group of enthusiastic legislators, including brand marketing entrepreneurs Han Xiao Vera, Blur, Zoey, and Shan, delved into the strategies and challenges of promoting Chinese culture through the Guofeng Pavilion. Positioned as an art club, the Guofeng Pavilion is dedicated to explaining Chinese culture to Western audiences and enhancing the richness and attractiveness of the experience through various activities such as knowledge sharing and participation of art celebrities.

The discussion focused on two main themes: how to expand into the Western market to generate more interest in Chinese culture, and how to attract young people from different ethnicities. Constructive opinions and suggestions were offered on brand identity, geographical location, product architecture, and target audience.

Zhang Yingxin proposed that the Guofeng Pavilion aims to attract those who are genuinely interested in art. She believes that, despite the current challenges, the Pavilion should remain true to its mission in spreading Chinese culture. Meanwhile, the legislators also offered targeted suggestions, such as Vera emphasizing the need to clearly define the target user group, Zoe and Blur mentioning the importance of location and brand image to young people, and Shan pointing out that the space and atmosphere of the Guofeng Pavilion need to match its reputation.

This meeting was not only an in-depth analysis of the current state of the Guofeng Pavilion but also provided many thoughts and inspirations for its future development. Through such exchanges and discussions, the Guofeng Pavilion is expected to take a step further in spreading Chinese culture and become an important bridge for multicultural exchanges.

Mike Raines
Michael Raines is 36 years old and a visual designer based in Toronto with over 15 years of corporate and freelance design experience. He has a passion for designing detailed, creative and modern web & print graphics. Although his skill set is vast, his greatest expertise revolves in the world of web design, UI/UX, social media, brand identity design and print collateral. It is his wish is to combine his knowledge and experience in these areas and deliver the best creative to his clients and their audiences.

Feb/24 Roundtable Insight


Jan/24 Roundtable Insight